Infection Control and Prevention Basics for Healthcare Workplaces Course

Infection Control and Prevention Basics for Healthcare Workplaces


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Infection Control and Prevention Basics for Healthcare Workplaces Course Overview

Healthcare workers may have an increased risk of contracting an infectious disease due to the nature of the job, duties or work environment. This course provides participants with prevention and control measures that will assist in protecting employees from occupational exposure to infectious diseases.

This course is suited for anyone employed in health and community services, whether in a hospital, long-term or residential care facility, home care or any other community based setting.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  • Know how infections spread and what is meant by chain of infection
  • Define source, means of transmission, and host
  • Describe the five means of transmission
  • Understand the importance of routine practices and additional precautions in controlling the spread of infection
  • Understand the risks of contracting or transmitting health care associated infections
  • Know when additional precautions may be necessary to prevent the transmission of infectious agents

Course Format

This is a self-paced online course structured into two units:

  1. Understanding Infection Prevention and Control
  2. Elements of Routine Practices

Participants may leave and resume the course at any time. Course duration will depend on the participant and any prior knowledge of the subject-matter.

Evaluation and Certification

Each unit concludes with a test where participants must score 100%. Those who do not achieve 100% can review the module content and re-try as necessary to complete the course. A printable certificate is available upon successful completion of the course.

Please note that course access information will be emailed to you within 1 business day, as this course is fulfilled by a third party.


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